Gratitude is the thing that keeps me on track. It’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. Look, I'm in the third act of my life but I don’t relate living to where I am on the continuum on age. I decided years ago to count my blessings and not my stretch marks and I only look over my shoulder to see how far I’ve come. Before you start rolling your eyes, consider that not only is this true, but it’s also a strategy for more….it attracts more abundance. more opportunities. I’ve found the people who radiate good health and energy are typically the ones who live in gratitude and have a sense of purpose and contribution. For me, being an advocate for family caregivers has taught me how important it is to take care of yourself mind, body soul and spirit. When you’re caring for someone you love who is sick or dying, it can really take a toll on YOU and it's easy to unravel because of the compassion fatigue. Creating Leeza’s Care Connection (leezascareconnection.org) after my mom died of Alzheimer’s disease gave me a place to encourage others to “take their oxygen first” and put themselves at the top of their own lists. I try to do that. I’ve had the greatest jobs in the world, a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, NY Times Best Selling Books, An Emmy and all kinds of wonderful honors, but my passion is just showing up to help others figure out the answer to “Now What?” when their world falls apart because of illness.
What keeps you living in the moment with gratitude?